Recipe | Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad

Servings: 1 person as a main dish or 2 for a side


1 small cucumber, skin mostly peeled then cut in bite sized pieces
1 avocado, cut in large bite sized pieces
1 or 2 tomatoes, peeled of skin, squeezed of seed juice, cut into bite sized pieces
Drizzle of vinaigrette of your choice (or: balsamic, raspberry or sherry vinaigrette)
Drizzle of oil of your choice (I had grapeseed oil on hand; or: avocado or olive)
Sweet basil, mint, parsley (optional but recommend; minced, to taste)
Splash of lemon juice (also optional but recommended)
Salt and pepper to taste


Sharp knife
Cutting board
Eating tool


Prepare the cucumber, avocado and tomato as mentioned in the ingredients list. I add them right to the bowl as I go. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir to combine. Enjoy with a side of pickled eggs or a turkey sandwich.


I don't know of an easier salad. Its refreshing, easy to make, and surprisingly filling. I like to put it in mason jars and take along for a picnic or creek side lunch.

You certainly don't need to peel and squeeze the tomatoes. It's just my new personal preference.